Palm Tree Treatment

The Rhynchophorus Ferrugineus palm weevil is extremely harmful to palm trees all over the world; in Portugal, it is most common in the Algarve.

We use the most effective treatments to prevent and combat the red palm weevil, and all the equipment needed for fast, safe and effective intervention.

When dealing with the scourge that is the red palm weevil, Jardíssimo essentially uses a product that contains the specific nematode for biological control of the weevil, which has proved to be extremely efficient in the control of these pests.

It is an effective, natural product and is harmless to people, animals and plants and is environmentally friendly.

Jardíssimo mainly uses the biological method, carrying out preventive treatment or dealing with mild symptoms on a monthly basis.

We also work in the treatment and control of symptoms of other diseases and fungi that affect palm trees, such as pink rot and fusarium.

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